All the stuff that doesn’t quite fit in.
And why should it? In fact, I intend to paint more hotchpotch. Looser, freer, semi-abstract, maybe even abstract hotchpotch. Watch this space.
Still Life [Sort of] (Oil on Board (?) I can't remember. It was my first oil painting, 1995)
First Kiss [Not really a double-portrait, more of a time, a feeling, an infatuated beginning] (Acrylic on Canvas, 2011)
Dogwood Bush in a Sowerby Car Park, near Thirsk [Why not? It was inspirational. I wrote several songs next to it. ] (Acrylic on Canvas, 2020)
Radishes [Just picked from the allotment, washed, painted, eaten. Snack of a painting; sketch of a meal.] (Watercolour on Paper, 2021)
Cockerel near Appletreewick, Wharfdale [Wasn't actually caged, but had the look of one who had been] (Acrylic, chicken wire and feather on Canvas, 2024)
Cherry Tomatoes, Lemon and Lime (Pastel on Paper, 2013)